Mental Health
Explore Mental Healthrelated questions
Mental health and how long does it take to get better with medication ..I have skitzoaffective
2 years
Hi dr ang jin keat please call me 0173724586 karunagaran It’s been a long time we need to talk just to say hi
- donkaru370
Mental health and how long does it take to get better with medication
2 years
Hi dr ang jin keat I’m karunagaran your former patient how are you? After 9 years of taking lithium carbonate and I’m paliperidone I’m finally getting better I have my own computer repair service… M…
- donkaru370
Working With Bipolar
2 years
Hi, so I’m currently getting a treatment with psychiatrist and on medication for my mental illness. The thing is i often get a job while im in my manic episode and when I’m in my depressive epis…
- Anonymous
Anxiety disorder symptoms, anxiety test,
2 years
I’m a student. I would like to ask doctor’s opinion on what I’m feeling, whether I have anxiety or only stress-related work(assignments). My problems are, I often feel anxious, worry, overthinki…
- Anonymous
Driving resistance disorder
2 years
Hi, I’m facing driving resistance behaviour be it intend driving for short or long distance. The mind is keep appear negative thinking / lost focus / dizzy behavior. This issue was reoccurred a…
- Anonymous
Mental and attitude problem issues
3 years
My son is 17 years old and this few months he seem to easily getting hot tempered. I plan to bring him to see doctor for therapy. Do you think this sign is enough to be my reason for getting a t…
- Anonymous
Tactile hallucination and tremor
3 years
I’m a woman in 24 years old and since my 23rd I’m facing tactile hallucination and also hand tremor. I’m facing this issue so frequently. I can’t even carry a glass properly. But sometimes my ha…
- Anonymous
Panic attacks and heart beat up so fast
3 years
Hello dr, this 2/3 week I don’t know what happened to me because suddenly I was panicked and feel scared about nothing. I also can feel my heart beat up so fast and I also find it difficult to c…
- Anonymous
Why do i enjoy stealing so much? I want to stop ffs
3 years
I realized that I really enjoy shoplifting and stealing but after that i feel regret. I want to stop so bad, but still i cant resist the urge to do it again and again. Im not poor, things that I…
- Anonymous
Anxiety that troubles me in breathing
3 years
I am a man of 22 years old and a student. I have been dealing with anxiety since the start of Covid-19. I have problems breathing when using face mask for too long and when I am in a crowded places. T…
- amysmally17
Mental Health Issues
3 years
Hye doctor I’m 16 years old . Every day , I find myself constantly anxious and worrying , thinking negative thoughts about myself , thinking about suicide , trouble sleeping , loss of appetite f…
- Anonymous
Confused with myself and personality
3 years
I’m like having an identity disorder. it started when I found out I had two different feelings. sometimes I think it’s just a silly thought but sometimes I feel like reality. so much so that, on…
- Anonymous
I feel my depression …attack me again
3 years
Lately…im not sleep well i feel down im always cry…i feel want to suicide
- Anonymous
Mental Health Issue ( Sadness or Depression )
3 years
Hi, Im in my 20, a woman. Just wanna ask am I just overreacting when I felt so calm and felt like the burden is gone when I saw some tweets which include the self harmings picture of people who…
- Anonymous
I keep talking by myself
3 years
I’m 19 years old. I been talking by myself of course since I was a kid. But, at 10 I stop talking by myself and when I was 12 I start talking by myself again. I keep talking by myself until now.…
- Anonymous
Trouble sleeping and became anxious for no reason
3 years
I am 18 y/o girl. I’m facing trouble sleeping for almost 3 years. Even I’ve got enough sleep, I’m still tired and feels like I don’t have energy left. Sometimes I felt like short of breath also …
- Anonymous
Stress or depression
3 years
I am girl and I am 18 years old . actually I have some depression about my studies , my friend and also my family . I have take some medication to calm down myself so it is okay if I take a medi…
- Anonymous
I have severe anxiety problem
3 years
I am 27 years, old married. I have severe anxiety of going to work, I am not keen about working because I wanna build my own business and actually things are moving since I’ve been an entrpreneu…
- Anonymous
Psychological Health Stress
3 years
I can consider myself as a person that really dedicated in my career/interest. However, for the past few months, I’ve been losing my interest in almost everything. Lately, I feeI so angry and em…
- Anonymous
Insonmia, afraid of having depression
3 years
Insomnia for several months, the longest more than 30 hours did not sleep, these months either a whole day did not sleep, or sleep a while, half an hour or 1-2 hours to wake up, and then can’t s…
- Anonymous
Hello . i might be having a psycological problem
3 years
Hello there . hope you are having a good day . my health issue aint bad but I need some answers . I have been suffering from some psychological issue ( I think and you should help me verify). I …
- Anonymous
Do I Have ADHD? What should I do?
3 years
Hi there. I hope you’re doing well. I am a female, turning 24 by next month, and I have been doing some research on ADHD lately. A few months ago, one of my friend said that I might have ADHD due to m…
- syasyanadia
Panic Disorder - i need a prescription
3 years
Hi can i get a prescription for antidepressant namely sertraline here? Or i need to consult a specialist first?
- Anonymous
Anxiety and self-harming
3 years
i’m an 18 yo female who just finished spm and currently waiting for uni. i have been self harming since 11 and stopped for as long as a year in 2017 & 2019. i can’t remember how or why i have ch…
- Anonymous
Suddenly being aggressive
3 years
I’m a woman in my 19 and I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety where I would be so anxious with everything even taking public transport make my chest tightened but lately,I’m being too agg…
- Anonymous
Saya perempuan berumur 20 tahun , mengalami msalah seperti dinyatakan
3 years
Hello im having a lot of tough time lately. Im having pressure. I act normal j front of my family, my friends. But when im alone. Sometimes i just cried without reason. Hard to control myself when i …
- hhoseok1994
Saya perempuan berumur 20 tahun
3 years
Hello im having a lot of tough time lately. Im having pressure. I act normal j front of my family, my friends. But when im alone. Sometimes i just cried without reason. Hard to control myself w…
- Anonymous
Teenager depression
3 years
I am 15 years old teen having depression because of Family. Fell like want to kill myself . Crying everyday . help me .
- nsbahgav
Teenager depression cause of family
3 years
I am 15 years old teen having depression because of Family. Fell like want to kill myself . Crying everyday . help me .
- Anonymous
The Usage of Propranolol 10 mg
3 years
Im 17 years old. And I guess I have a social anxiety. Everytime there’s a presentation in the class, I feel nervous to talk at the front. I mean like any presentation or talking in front of many…
- Anonymous